Stay safe during hot weather and power outages
In case you didn’t realise, there’s a heatwave in the Goulburn Valley! Hot weather can cause power outages.
Restoration of power in our area is the responsibility of Citipower & Powercor. If you experience an outage – check out their website first to see whether it is a power outage in your area, before trying getting in contact with us. If there isn’t any outage listed in your area on the distributor’s website, give Bonnett’s a call as you may have a tripped circuit.
You can sign up for email and SMS updates from Powercor to stay informed.
Preparing yourself for an outage is important:
– Ensure you have access to a phone or landline that doesn’t require electricity to operate. Ensure you have back up power pack for your mobile phone.
– Have a torch handy with spare batteries
– Alternative cooking facilities – try a new restaurant or have a camp out with takeaway!
– battery powered radio to ensure you can stay up to date with the latest news
– access to fresh water – especially during heatwave outages!
During an outage:
– Keep clear of fallen power lines
– Be careful around generators
– If there is damage to your property, call the Bonnett’s team to ensure that it is safe to turn power back on.
– Keep your fridge and freezer closed for as long as possible. This will ensure they stay cold. If in doubt – chuck it out!
– Check on neighbours, relatives and friends.
Look after yourself in hot weather:
+ Drink plenty of water, use electrolytes if necessary.
+ Never leave animals or children in the car
+ Try and spend your time somewhere cool – if it is by the pool or water, make sure you slip, slop, slap, seek and slide.
+ Plan ahead – be prepared for outages
+ Check in on others
Stay safe out there!